

Short animated videos on a variety of biblical topics

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Prayer, Meditation and Reading

Uncover the power of praying, reading, and meditating about God's word
Prayer, reading, and meditation have incredible power in our life - they are the key building blocks in a relationship with God
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Reading the Bible

Learning about God starts and ends with reading the Bible
Learning about God starts and ends with reading the Bible, doing this little and often will transform your life
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What does the Bible say about forgiveness?

Learn more about what the bible says about God's forgiveness and how we can receive it.
In this video we discuss what God tells us about His forgiveness and the freedom that this gives us in Christ
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What is God's purpose?

Find out why God created the world, and what His plan is
There is a purpose behind the created earth, you only have to ask and it will be revealed to you
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What is Preaching?

What does it meant to preach?
What does it mean to preach the gosepl and why is it so important?
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Tawa Christadelphian Ecclesia