God's Purpose and Character

The Bible's view on why we are here

Sun Rays over Water

The God of the Bible has a purpose for the earth which brings a message of hope to those who seek it. The earth is to one day be filled with people (Isaiah 45:18) who demonstrate His character in their lives as His children (Ephesians 5:1). This will bring an end to all suffering and even an end to death itself (Revelation 21:4). Because God is all powerful (Jeremiah 32:17) He will achieve His purpose (Isaiah 46:10).

When we think of someone’s character we think of their behaviour. The Bible tells us that God’s character includes being merciful and truthful (Exodus 34:6-7). God’s mercy means that He is loving and can forgive our sins if we recognise we are sinful and in need of His forgiveness (Psalm 32:5). His truth means that He can be depended on to always do what is right.

As God is the source of all good, He is the one who decides right from wrong. God’s approach to right and wrong is set out for mankind in the Bible. He is also eternal (always living) and immortal (never dying) (1 Timothy 1:17). He offers us eternal life if we make an effort to know him (John 17:3).

God’s character is so incredible, it is described in the Bible as His ‘glory’ (Exodus 33:18-19; 34:6-7). This glory will one day fill the earth when Jesus Christ returns to establish God’s Kingdom (Numbers 14:21). People who show God’s character and who are judged as faithful will then live forever, with Christ, in God’s Kingdom on earth.

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1 Minute Read • 31/08/2021

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